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Every month, Gzi rewards one thousand of its most active users with $30. If you wish to participate in the reward contest, click the POST button to post about your business or events around you and earn $0.1 each day then click the HOME button to see your new earnings. You will also earn $0.01 anytime you like and comment on other users' posts.

About | How Gzi Rewards Users | Why Follow and Be Followed

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Gzi is uniquely designed to ensure that users get many followers fast so that when they post about the products and services they offer, many get to see it. For this advertising service, Gzi charges a monthly subscription fee of $1.

To earn very fast, follow more than ten users so you may like and comment more. Users who do not wish to take part in the contest should log in daily in order to have many followers who will see their posts about the products and services they offer.

Payment of $30 is made to the top 1000 earners by 5pm UTC, 23rd of each month irrespective of actual earnings in their Gzi wallet while the balance and other users' earnings are reset to $0 to restart the contest.